Faisal Magray is a  photojournalist based in India. His work revolves around documenting global and local issues - primarily focussing on h...

Faisal Magray is a  photojournalist based in India. His work revolves around documenting global and local issues - primarily focussing on human rights, climatic change, conflict aftermath and socio economics.  The emergence of turmoil in Kashmir and ongoing violence made him turn to photojournalism because he believe that  visual journalism  is a powerful story-telling medium. He started his career  in Kashmir  at a young age and chronicled the  troubled region with focus on human rights and daily life.   In 2014  he moved to New Delhi and started working with Cover Asia Press, a UK based press agency in New Delhi,  where he covered women issues, health, conflict and lifestyle.  


In 2018 he was awarded with  Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Fellowship to study  visual journalism at the Asian Center for Journalism (ACFJ) at Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines. With nine years of professional experience in films, print and digital media, he has produced news features, short films, photo essays and special assignments. His work has been published by international publications around the world including - The Independent, UK Telegraph, Guardian, Gulf News, Getty Images, Reuters, Friday Magazine, Grazia, Marie Claire, Fabulous, The Ethicalist and top Tabloids like Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, The Sun, UK Metro and Daily Star. 

He has also received award from British High Commission Of India in 2011 in Photojournalism contest.  In free time, he  teaches photography to underprivileged children.


Contact : faisalrafiqmagray@gmail.com